Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And the Boring Blog Award Goes To....

ME! I congratulate myself hardily on this! I know that this blog is mainly for my own benefit, so it bothers me that it has been so idle. For many reasons, firstly, I have nothing funny, sad, quirky, or otherwise informative to say, for my brain is not in that mode. It is on, however, enough for me to know that I could just post some pictures, and quell the inner and oh so unnecessary guilt at not maintaining one more thing, which most people like. Pictures, not guilt. Secondish, I do think that just posting pictures is productive, and I like looking at pictures, etc, etc, but I started this for me to get these insane thoughts out of my head, in hopes of making Mr. Collins laugh at me. However, this will never be accomplished via my blog, for he does not read it. Its a shame. I even tried writing a tribute to him and he will not read! He has better things to do, like work! Ha! Just kidding. Thirdliest, Samuel informed me this morning that he thinks we are having six more kids, and I think that he is 6 and insane himself. If that is the case, then indeed I will be insane, or more so for the next ten years and will not have time to do anything. Or time to waste anyway. At least he amended his order, and changed it to two more boys and a girl (whom he thinks he gets to name. Negative.) Sorry, I think that he is dreaming.


Wanting What I Have said...

You crack me up!

So...a few days ago I asked T if he'd read my blog and he said he had. Only, he couldn't tell me what it was about. Finally he admitted to "skimming" it...and still couldn't tell me anything that was in it...finally, he admitted he'd just looked at the pictures. (and to my credit, the post was short.) I have to plead with him to read it. Like, sit beside him and beg. He doesn't read my entire emails, either. Only the first few lines. He's too busy with work, too. (For which I AM thankful.) :)

So just know, you're not alone in that regard.

Benjamin and Jennie said...

I feel the same way about my blog.... i do post picture but have nothing to say or I do.... I just dont:) Samuel is such a cutie. Look on it on the other hand.... he must love his brothers to want more!!!!

Collin said...


I read your blog today. I hope that makes you feel better. I love it.