Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Its Official: I have a child old enough to lose a tooth.

I know I have been asking everyone what the Tooth Fairy did at their house, and alas, while playing on the playground tonight, Samuel yanked out his tooth. Really?
You know, or most likely you don't, I am not really that sentimental. I have my moments, but maybe my kids will be. There have been a few times that I have wished I had not thrown something out, but it passes quickly enough. I think Sam will be attached to things. I have no clue where his lock of hair from his first hair cut is, etc, but I will now keep his memories better than my own.


The Phipps said...

Wow and Collin missed that! He looks really cute with a missing tooth!

Eldredge Fam. said...

You make me smile, your wit is amazing. Ahh the tooth fairy, yeah we're not going to do that. I thought it was usually the big front teeth that go first.... huh, go figure.

This Idaho Girl said...

This is hilarious because my mother in law (who keeps absolutely everything) recently informed me that she still has my sister in law's lost teeth (SIL is now 31). Gross! I owe you a super big favor and thanks for doing my lesson. I will repay you somehow. Thanks.

Wanting What I Have said...

Congrats Samuel!!!

MissManda-Mae said...

wow! 6 more children!!! you better stop bloggin AND GET TO WORK GIRLFRIEND!!!

and no worries, our tooth fairy forgets half the time when there is a tooth under the pillow... just tell samuel he is zoned for the same fairy.... it's just so expensive... ah inflation!!!

Jessica said...

Now you have joined the ranks of tooth fairydom. It gets really old. Hannah who is 10 and a half is still loosing teeth. In fact she lost three last week. Someone at school told her there is no tooth fairy so I had to tell her the truth, but she still wanted the money. I made her put it under her pillow first and several days went by before the tooth fairy remembered that she had some teeth to pick up!!